Saturday, May 3, 2008

May Great Pumpkin Day

This month im going to do GPD on the 13th. Im going to start planning my Halloween party. I want to think of a cute name for it...instead of just Halloween party lol. I will have it on the Sat before Halloween. Ive never had a party before. Ive always wanted to, just ran out of time. Thats why im so glad for GPD. My kids have been begging me for a party and this year is the time! I need all the ideas you can think of. My will be 12 and 10 by the time of the party, so they are old enough to help. I dont really want things that are too scary though. My daughter is a little chicken lol.

So any suggestions would be wonderful!!!

1 comment:

LBP said...

Hello Randee! Our friends have a great Halloween party every year. They do a "haunted" trail by their house. There is a graveyard, scary clowns, "people" hung in trees, then thru the dark basement there are spider webbs, a mad scientist lab, and as they leave the texas chain saw guy comes running out. That may be too scary for 12 year olds, but you can tone it down. Inside there is a bloody body in the bathtub, lots of orange and black candles, smoke machines, strobe lights, etc. Have Fun!

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